10 Questions With Jordan Ridge

Meet Jordan Ridge
Get to know Jordan Ridge, the Senior Consultant at Mole Street, as he shares insights into his expertise, current projects, and what inspires him.
For a decade, Jordan has consulted in healthcare, government and software industries. In each role, he built internal organizational structures, programs and processes. He found himself translating executive priorities into needed technical projects or translating technical or scientific expertise and applications into executive plans, investments and goals.
Fun Fact:
Jordan writes poetry and edits short-form fiction. He believes that fiction and poetry are avenues in which we can all understand both the experience of life and ourselves better.
1. How would you sum up your expertise?
I am an expert in strategic planning, technical translation and organizational transformation. For a decade, I have consulted in healthcare, government and software industries.
In each role, I have built internal organizational structures, programs and processes and found myself translating executive priorities into needed technical projects or translating technical or scientific expertise and applications into executive plans, investments and goals.
2. What type of work do you lead at Mole Street?
As part of the Strategic Consulting Team, I will lead short-term project packages and long-term programs that serve the entire tech stack of a client’s marketing, sales and services ecosystem.
Working alongside our expert developers and implementation specialists, I will reshape our client’s business and operating models through HubSpot system architecture and implementation approaches that directly support the business’ growth and revenue goals.
3. What types of clients do you support the most?
I support clients seeking both executive guidance and tactical execution. System architecture decisions require mutual agreement on vision and tactics. Creative solutions necessitate strategic alignment and decision-making flexibility.
The industries I’ve supported most are complex financial, healthcare and SaaS companies. The context of my engagements is typically businesses seeking to move from traditional to digital client management or those looking to consolidate their systems and internal processes into a cohesive, measurable and iterative customer journey to reach aggressive growth goals.
4. What is a current project you’re working on?
Process and standardization for our consulting practice. Every consultancy either claims a tailored approach to your business or offers an overly itemized approach that feels transactional and one-size-fits-all. Some do both, each forgetting the origin of the word “tailored" – the traditional garment tailor.
Bespoke clothing comes from pairing an individual's unique nature and needs with tried-and-true methods and tools of the trade. This is the experience we want to create at Mole Street—to combine our industry and technology familiarity with unmatched expertise in platform tools and implementation methods to achieve tailored solutions with repeatable results.
5. What do you enjoy most about your work?
The moment when all the wires in the drawer are no longer tangled, and each team in the customer lifecycle sees the flow of a lead or a customer through their teams. Integrations and software investments are often more terrifying than the drawer where you keep “all the cords.” The approach in life often becomes: Just buy a new cord; I can’t.
This holds true for software and platform investments, and they always lead to waste, duplication, insufferable spreadsheets, interminable email threads—or worse, employee turnover and revenue loss. The moment of joy when a completely disconnected or unknowable data or process problem for a business is made clear, unraveled, solved and executed is unmatched.
6. What is your superpower?
I call it “transition vision.” I describe it using the image of glasses that can engage and disengage the “peripheral,” a strategic bifocal.
The ability to pass between top-level business strategic planning down to the day-to-day tactical, technical implementation of a solution. Every vision cast or quarterly KPI should directly relate to what we’re doing on Thursday at 2 pm, and every Friday morning task can be directly traceable to an annual or multi-year business plan.
7. What’s one Mole Street value that has special meaning to you? Why
Authenticity - I believe it brings all of the other values together into balance.
If we bring our authentic selves into our relationships, every level of effort (grit, growth-mindedness) brings personal, professional and interpersonal value. Every shared experience of success, questioning or challenge is truly shared and not forced (joy, curiosity). Every communication, investment decision and piece of advice is built from real, mutual understanding (clarity, accountability).
8. What’s inspiring you now?
I try to listen to “The Daily Poem” podcast every day (hosted by Goldberry Studios). Hearing voices and perspectives from all eras and contexts really keeps me grounded.
9. What is one fun fact about you?
I write poetry and edit short-form fiction. I believe that fiction and poetry are avenues through which we can all better understand our experiences of life.
10. Where can we catch more of your expertise?
You can find me on LinkedIn, and look out for future posts here on molestreet.com.